Thursday, November 17, 2011

Today I decided that i will do an imovie and a poster on the health risks of using technology. I will have to do research and find ways to make my imovie and poster colorful and interesting.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Daily progress

Today I did some research about what are  the risks of using technology.  I learned that there is a probability of the radiation of some things can cause cancer on the human body and can also cause other illness.

Monday, November 7, 2011

DAY 3- Research

DAY 3-  RESEARCH :  How does your topic impact your future digital footprint?  
1.n addition to enhancing health and wellness, technology can also hinder it if you aren’t careful. For example, health issues like carpal tunnel, eye strain, or muscle tension can occur. Medical literature also still debates the long term effects of cell phones on health and wellness. Even constant exposure to people with poor e-mail or cell phone etiquette can affect personal wellness by increasing stress.

2.Office printer could be posing as much danger to the lungs as a drag on a cigarette, according to air quality tests by Australian scientists.

3. One research need the committee identified is studies of any potential health consequences from multiple, long-term, low-intensity RF exposure as opposed to most of the present data that evaluates acute effects on healthy adults during short exposures to RF fields.

4.  In the case of glioma, a type of brain cancer, and acoustic neuroma, a slow-growing non-cancerous tumour in the inner ear that results in hearing loss, the existing evidence was limited. This means the group found that evidence of a causal relationship between cellphone radiation exposure and increased risk of developing one of those diseases was credible but could not rule out that chance, bias or confounding had played a role in establishing that relationship.

5. One thing that I know for sure is that these signals gives awful headaches when you work in a wireless lab where three or four access points are broadcasting at the same time on different channels. I've also heard many stories about people who had their desk located directly under a broadcasting antenna and whom had terrible migraines at the end each day.

6. BBC programme Panorama found that radiation levels from wi-fi in one school was up to three times the level of mobile phone mast radiation.
The readings were 600 times below the government's safety limits but there is ongoing debate about wi-fi use.

7. For years there have been rumblings that excessive use of cell phones can cause tumors and even cancer, but many have dismissed these reports as unfounded. Recent studies and reports to come out of Canada; however, may have people rethinking the use of wireless technology in their homes, especially as it pertains to wireless routers. Today we're going to take a close look at wireless technology's potential health risks, especially as they pertain to children.

8.Due to the rise of wireless mobile technology in recent years, there have been several questions posed on the safety of mobile phones. Mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range and people believe that this may be harmful to the health of human beings. Due to these concerns, there is a large body of research in place. These bodies of research involve both epidemiological and experimental and both on humans and non-humans. More concerns have even been raised regarding other digital wireless systems and data communication networks as well.

9. A massive study in the UK into the possible health effects of radiation from cellphones has been unable to rule them safe in the long term, and another international study has concluded that what are presently considered to be acceptable exposure levels to radio waves of all frequencies are too high and should be lowered.

10.Technology is taking over. With technology come health problems, just like with cars. If someone drives a car all day long (like taxi drivers) they could have some serious back problems.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Digital Access :P

America Offline-
What does this mean?
this talks about how millions of people dont have regular internet compared to others who have way better internet access.

digital divide-
 How does this impact you as a students?
It impacts me because as a student because others and I need better access to internet to be able to do work and succed in what we are trying to do.

Unequal Access-
How can lack of access to the internet impact your future? MOBILE ACCESS
It can keep me from getting the best information out there and it can keep my from using time wisely.

How will lack of digital access impact us as a country?
People will start noticing how our internet is way slower than other places  and they will want to tell the goverment.1) What are the options for better Access?
     Options for having better access are to provide a more inexpensive internet to the community or to provide digital access for rural areas. Having access in more places.

2) Explain the Final Recommendations?
Government should be more aware that people don't have access to fast internet yet they pay a lot for it. They should also know that some people don't use the internet for the right reasons.

3) What could be done to increase internet access and create more choices for communities nationwide?

  The communities should come together and tell the government about their ideas of making the internet faster and to make the internet have a wider range of service.

4) What actions need to be taken to keep the internet open for users and innovators?

The government needs to understand that people don't have internet just for fun, but for work and being able to communicate with others. They need to let people have a better internet for a lower price.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Vocabulary Digital Etiquette

  • Etiquette: Everyone should have good etiquette online
  • Conduct: Everyone should have good conduct everywhere they are
  • Courtesy: People should learn courtesy and use it to be respectful
  • Flame: When you flame, you can hurt other peoples feelings
  • Troll: No one should pay attention when a troll is trying to catch their attention
  • Anonymous: Someone who is unknown, is scary because you don't know who they are
  • Emoticon: Emoticons are fun to use because you can express yourself
  • Obvious: Some things are really obvious that you don't have to explain
  • Tone: People don't think of what type of tone they use when they talk
  • SMS: You can talk to anyone when you use SMS
  • Ethical: The ethical thing to do is always the right thing to do
  • Unethical: Unethical behavior is not good behavior and should not be done
  • Legal: When you do something legal, it is allowed by the law
  • Boolean Search: Boonlean search makes it easier to search for something
  • URL: When you want to go to a website, you type the website in the URL

Friday, October 21, 2011


 I have not been able to test my PowerPoint presentation on the 6th graders, so I am not sure if my end product actually works and teaches what the Design Cycle means and how it works. I think if I had been able to give the tests to the 6th graders, I would have done an okay job on teaching them what the Design Cycle means and teaching them how to use it. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Investigate- In this stage, I had a bit of trouble figuring out what to do for my project. I looked for many tools I could use to make a simple and fun video for the 6th graders to look watch and learn what the design cycle is and what it is for. I think if i had a bit more time or if I used my time more wisely, I coudlve found a better program other than PowerPoint to use.
Design- In the design stage, I wasnt sure what to design. I already knew that I wanted yo use the Power Point program because it was going to be simple and easy to make and understand. I designed 3 different lists of what I wanted to put on each slide I was going to put in the Power Point. I ended up using the most detailed design. I added some changes to the powerpoint because I didn't think it was enough. I could've done a better job if I had access to a pin drive so I could take the Power Point with me, or if I had chosen a program that was on the internet, I could've worked on it in more places.
Plan- On the plan stage, I planned out how much time I was going to spend in each thing I was going to put on the Power Point. I made a gantt chart so I could know and remember how much time I was supposed to spend on each thing and not to waste anytime on something I didn't need to waste time on. Unfortunately, I didn't follow the timing on the gantt chart i created. I wasted time on other things and I know I could've done a better job if I had spent the appropriate time on the right things.
Create- I the create stage, I created a PowerPoint. I followed one of my designs, but i made some changes to it. I made changes because I thought it wasn't enough things to put on the project. I needed more information on the slides so when i was creating my project, I added more information to it. I did my project kind of last minute and i would've done a better job if I had started way before than I actually started. 
Evaluate- In this stage, i am evaluating my self. I don't know if my product was a success because I did not get to test my product out. I made tests for the 6th graders to take but i didn't have a chance to actually give it to them. At the end, I realized how I didn't put a lot of effort into my product. I know if I had put more time into it it would've been a way better project.
Attitudes in Technology- My attitudes in technology where not as good as I expected them to be. I think I should've put in more effort and my project would've been a better project than it is. I didn't use enough time to do my project. Next time, i will try my best to focus on doing my best and completing a well done product.